Tudor Reunion Tour Read online

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  “No, of course not,” I replied taking the glass in my hand.

  He sat next to me in one of several wicker chairs lining the porch. For a man his age, it was evident how well he took care of himself. “Everything all right, Zara? You’ve been rather quiet since you guys arrived.”

  “Just tired, Peter, it was a long trip, and we haven’t been traveling much, so I was unprepared. Amadeus, on the other hand, has been counting down the days until we left. I know he was getting restless in that cottage alone with me and Elizabeth.”

  “But that’s what he wanted, what he chose, Zara.”

  “True, but I’m sure you’ve noticed in the little time we’ve been here how he’s opened up.”

  “You’ve been through a terrible ordeal, Zara. Don’t beat yourself up. I know you’ve heard this a zillion times already, but you did what you had to do to protect yourself and Elizabeth.”

  “I know, I know. Amadeus seems to think this trip is a good thing, getting me, rather us, away from the scene of the crime as it were.”

  “Exactly, and I understand why you’ve wanted to stay there, but you can’t live like a recluse. You both have too much to offer.”

  The sound of a very cranky Elizabeth interrupted our discussion as Grace joined us on the porch. She held her granddaughter in one arm, a bottle in her other hand, shaking her head and grinning. “Young Miss Elizabeth seems to want nothing to do with her grandmother putting her down. Every time I try to give her the bottle she takes it and throws it.”

  “Your point is taken, Peter, time to rejoin the world,” I said taking Elizabeth from Grace. “And you, young lady, need to learn to play nice.” I handed her the bottle and settled back with her while she drifted off to sleep.

  “She hardly knows us, Zara. She’ll be better tomorrow. I’m sure she’s tired and confused by the long trip.”

  “I’m sure that’s part of it.” I knew Peter was right, time to come back to the land of the living and quit being selfish.

  “Can I get you another glass of wine, Zara?” Grace asked softly as I rocked my daughter.

  “Please. I’ll go take her down to our cottage in a few minutes. Once I’m sure she’s really down for the night.”

  “Why don’t you let her stay here, Zara? She’ll be fine. Besides, it would give you and Amadeus some long overdue time alone.”

  “I don’t know, Grace. I don’t want to impose on you and Peter.”

  “Zara…” I heard Peter begin out of my line of vision. “Remember what we just talked about. Elizabeth will be just fine. It’s not like neither Grace nor I have never raised children before, you know.”

  “I know, I know.”

  “She’ll be right as rain in the morning, you’ll see, Zara.”

  “Okay, you two. I’m convinced.”

  “Enjoy some time alone with Amadeus, Zara,” Grace added.

  “Speaking of kids, when are yours due in, Peter?”

  “Ah, not until the day after Christmas. They’re all spending the holiday with in-laws. It’s fine.”

  “Anyone hear from Damien and Julia? Are they coming?” I asked. The look on their faces told me I was behind the times.

  “They arrived yesterday, Zara. You haven’t seen them?” Grace asked bewildered.

  “No, I haven’t. I saw Angus for a few moments, then he dragged Amadeus off. I simply figured Angus wanted some company, since he came alone.”

  “Well, Julia and Damien and the kids got here yesterday.”

  “I guess I’ll pop in on them as soon as we get this one situated.”

  “Yes, do. And I can put her down, Zara.”

  “Thanks Grace, but I’d like to do it myself just this once.”

  “Of course, I understand. Whenever you’re ready I’ll show you her crib.”

  I said goodnight to Grace and Peter, leaving Elizabeth in their hands for the night. Seeing a bonfire on the beach, I began walking in that direction. As I neared the water, I made out Amadeus’s familiar figure. From where I was, I thought I saw three other figures with him, gathered around the fire.

  As soon as I approached the four, all conversation halted. It was as though whatever they were discussing was something not for my ears. No one got up, although Amadeus did extend a hand to me, beckoning me to join him.

  “Where’s Elizabeth? You surely didn’t leave her alone in your cottage did you, Zara?” Julia exclaimed.

  “Nice to see you, too, Julia. No, I’m not so stupid as to leave my baby alone. Grace and Peter insisted on keeping her for the night so Amadeus and I could have a break.”

  “Zara…” came Amadeus’s deep voice.

  “Zara what? I’m not about to be accused of being a neglectful mother. Not by anyone.”

  “That’s not what I meant, Zara.” Julia replied.

  “Well, then why did you say it? It would have come across better if you’d simply asked where she was.”

  “Okay, you’ve made your point, Zara,” Amadeus said flatly. “We’ve been discussing an idea Julia’s come up with.”

  “What’s that?” I replied. My interest was more than piqued now. She had never taken much liking to me or Amadeus’s career until recently.

  “A reunion tour of sorts,” Julia announced. I noted a look of smugness on her face. “The three Tudor brothers together, touring for the first time.”

  “Interesting. I look forward to hearing all about it tomorrow. Right now I’m tired from the plane ride and all.”

  “Of course,” Julia replied. She wasn’t finished and was not ready to be dismissed. “It will mean Amadeus will have to spend a good amount of time in Seattle, Zara. I mean he can’t be expected to go back and forth to and from Scotland. I hope you’ll be okay with that.”

  “Like I just said, Julia, I look forward to hearing all about it tomorrow.” I got back up on my feet. For the first time I felt like an interloper. Knowing as tired as I was, I didn’t want to say something I’d later regret. “Damien, good to see you. I’m glad you guys made the trip. Amadeus? You coming?”

  I was unprepared for his response, but kept my cool and composure. “You go ahead, Zara. I’ll be along shortly.” He sat where he was, looking straight into the fire and not at me. I wondered if he was afraid of a major discussion about whatever it was Julia was planning or what. It was unlike him, and I didn’t like it. Not one bit.

  “Don’t be too long. This is the first night we’ve had alone since Elizabeth was born.”

  Suddenly he sprang up from his place in front of the fire, brushing any remaining sand off his pants. “If you three will excuse us, I’m going to take my wife for a walk on the beach before we call it a night.”

  He strode over to where I stood, took my hand and led us towards the water. His grip on my hand was so tight I almost winced, and the look on his face was anything but romantic. We walked and walked the long stretch of beach in silence for what seemed to be an eternity. Finally, he let go of my hand, stopped, and faced me. The austere expression on his otherwise handsome face told me I’d done something I shouldn’t have.

  “Zara, don’t ever speak to me in front of my family, or anyone else for that matter, in that tone.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t say anything I normally wouldn’t have.”

  “My point exactly, Zara! We’ve spent the past seven months pretty much alone together so you could get your head straight and past shooting Johnny. I’ve given up everything to help you get through it, and the first time I get to spend some time around family, you have to go and play the bitch.”

  “Bitch am I? Well fine, you go ahead and enjoy your family time. Plan out this tour, whatever the hell it may be with Julia. Elizabeth and I will manage just fine without you.”

  “See that’s my point, Zara. You can’t stand for someone else to take an interest in my career or even make a suggestion for something new. Hell, you didn’t even allow Julia the courtesy to hear her out.”

  “And if you listened to what I sa
id, Amadeus, you’d recall that I told her I’d love to hear all about it tomorrow after I’ve had a good night’s sleep.”

  “No, you just can’t stand it when you’re not in charge of things.”

  “Really? Because the last thing I’ve felt is in charge. I’m using this trip for us to start our next journey. I realize it’s time for us to come out of our seclusion, Amadeus, but I can’t do it alone or with you pulling against me.”

  “Then you’ll listen to Julia’s idea?”

  “Of course I will.”

  “Promise you won’t put your manager hat on and pick everything apart until after you’ve heard it through?”

  “Yes,” I sighed, wrapping my arms around his waist. “I promise. But please do me a favor and don’t commit to any of this without us first discussing it?”

  “I can live with that. Now how about you and I head back to our cottage. You did say mother and Peter are keeping Elizabeth for the night?”

  “Yep, that’s what I said. All night, just you and me.”

  I heard a chuckle come out of him. “You know if you had to give us a grade for arguing, we’d get an ‘F’.”

  He bent down and his mouth covered mine in a slow, provocative kiss. His tongue traced the seam of my mouth, coaxing it open. Not that it took much prodding from him. Within seconds our tongues were engaged in a passionate dance. My arms ran up his back, drawing him closer. I heard a moan, startled that it was coming from me. But then Amadeus always knew how to bring out the wanton woman that otherwise stayed buried inside me.

  I felt his hands as he grabbed my derriere and pulled me against his hardened cock. “I think we better go, Zara, before I find a place out here and…” He pinched one of my butt cheeks playfully and loosened his grip on me.

  “I’m game if you are.”

  “What? Out here on the beach? Zara?”

  “It’s not like this is a public beach, Amadeus. Peter rented the entire place, and if Angus and the rest are still in front of the bonfire, he isn’t going to let anyone venture down this way for a while. Come on, we’ve had sex by the lake in Scotland. We can add one more to our repertoire.”


  Getting Zara reintroduced back into society since the shooting has been a long slow process. It has also made me realize just how much more important my family is. My immediate family which now includes not only Zara, but Elizabeth.

  So when Peter and my Mother decided to rent this place in the Caribbean I secretly jumped up and down. I haven’t seen any of my family except Peter and Mother, and that was on the few times when Mother would accompany Zara and Elizabeth to one of the European venues Peter and I were booked into. Even that was a stretch getting Zara to even agree to go.

  Damien and Angus have kept in touch. Damien’s wife, Julia, has the mad idea that the three of us need to do a reunion tour. She wants to get Damien back in the spotlight. I guess she’s tired of being nursemaid to him, not that he needs her constant care anymore. He’s almost the old Damien again.

  I’ve kept any mention of this tour from Zara. I want for Angus, Damien, and me to check out exactly what it is Julia has in mind before involving Zara. Knowing Zara, she’ll pick it apart, and we don’t need that right now. Julia’s never had much interest in Damien’s career outside of the fact that she loves the publicity. Oh yeah, and the money. Julia loves the money, loves to spend it.

  Julia has to have a reason and a motive behind all of this. The idea of a reunion tour. I think it’s great, but I have my hesitations about Julia wanting to be in change.

  Which brings me to another touchy subject; where to live. If this idea of Julia’s amounts to anything, I know she’s going to want us all in Seattle for rehearsals and stuff. I personally think it would great for Zara. To get her away from anything that reminds her of shooting Johnny. Even if it’s just for a few months.

  “Amadeus? Amadeus? Did you hear a word I’ve been saying?” Julia is asking. I’m trying to concentrate on all her non-stop gibberish about this tour and how we’re all going to make such an obscene amount of money. My thoughts keep drifting back to Zara and what she would think or do. I hate keeping things from her.

  “Yeah, I’ve been listening, Julia.”

  “Well, you look as though you’re a million miles away. Pay attention.”

  “I am, although I will admit it’s sort of hard to do when we’re supposed to be on vacation in the middle of the Caribbean and not in the middle of having a bunch of business meetings.”

  “Well, you’ll have plenty of time for that later. This is important, Amadeus.”

  Yeah, it’s important. To you. I’m not going to be able to lie to Zara. I’ll have to let her know what we suspect. She’s pretty darn good at making out as though she is unaware of things. Besides, this will get her mind off of the shooting and give her something to concentrate on.

  How in the hell has Damien put up with this woman’s attitude all these years? Perhaps I just never noticed. I’d be having a serious talk with her. There’s not one reason for her to be speaking to Damien in the tone of voice she does. Condescending… as though he were one of their kids.

  Oh yeah…family. Gotta love ‘em.

  Chapter Three


  I’m sure if it hadn’t been for the exhaustion of jet lag and hours up, we might have slept little to none, but sleep overtook us, creeping up on us as though we were two old farts instead of a couple in their prime…well, somewhat.

  The sound of a phone chirping pressed me awake. Sitting up, I looked around the unfamiliar room as I attempted to get my bearings. Seeing the phone on the bedside table next to Amadeus, I crawled over him to get to it.

  “You could have turned over and answered it,” I whispered, my hand grabbing the receiver and pulling it my way.

  “The view wouldn’t be as nice if I had.” His hand slid up between my thighs, the other guided a breast to his lips as I struggled to maintain some degree of dignity.


  “Zara, good morning. Just wanted to let you know breakfast is waiting in the dining room,” Peter’s soothing British accented voice replied. “Oh, and Zara, Elizabeth and her granny have become fast friends.”

  “That’s wonderful. See you in a bit then.” I knew if I didn’t hang up I might give myself away with what Amadeus was in the midst of doing to me. I put the receiver down in its cradle just as Amadeus pulled me over and on to my back.

  The main house was fairly quiet as we entered, except for the sounds of a giggling baby. Most everyone had already been up for breakfast and out for a leisurely stroll along the beach. Grace was down on the cool tile floor playing with Elizabeth. The polar opposite from what she had been the night before. As soon as she saw us, that all changed. Amadeus went and scooped her up in his arms and swung her around as she screeched hysterically in delight.

  Grace got to her feet and followed me into the dining room as we left Amadeus and Elizabeth playing. I immediately headed to the sideboard with the coffee and tea laid out. Grabbing a couple of the tall cups, I poured coffee into one and added cream and sugar for Amadeus. In the other one I poured freshly brewed hot tea for myself. I swung around to Grace to ask her if she wanted something, but she was sitting at the table, cup already in hand.

  “Thanks for keeping her last night, Grace.” I said as I set the two mugs on the table and headed toward the breakfast goodies. With Peter being a vegetarian there were two separate breakfasts, on opposite walls of the dining room. Peter was becoming accustomed to the fact that none of Grace’s family, or Grace herself, was going to become vegetarian. Not hard core like Peter and his family, so he made allowances for us carnivores. As long as animal products were nowhere near his meat free food, he was fine, or at least attempting to be.

  “You’re more than welcome. I figured you and Amadeus needed some time alone, and it gave us some time with her before the rest of the crowd comes.”

  “I have to admit it was nice not to be awakened b
y someone demanding something at the crack of dawn.” I sat back down with a plate of fruit, a scone and orange juice. As I bit into a piece of orange, Amadeus came strolling through with Elizabeth tucked under his arm. Both were red faced and sweaty. “I think you two need a break.”

  “Yeah we do, she wore me out. Where is everyone?”

  “Peter is taking care of some last minute business on the phone before the holidays begin. As far as your siblings and Julia, I believe they’re gathered down at Julia and Damien’s cottage.” Grace replied with a straight face. She picked up her cup and took a drink, eyes on Amadeus.

  “Yeah, she wants to go over this tour idea of hers with us in more detail. Zara missed the discussion last night.”

  “No, I simply didn’t want to get involved in something that detailed last night. I was exhausted from traveling.” I added, watching Amadeus. I wondered if his actions would change after last night when he got back to his way of thinking.

  “Well, don’t jump into anything young man. Julia has never expressed an interest in working with Damien, and she doesn’t know the ins and outs of it like Zara does.”

  “Mother, not you, too,” he groaned as he placed Elizabeth in the high chair and grabbed a plate. I watched in amazement as he piled it high with food. “What’s the problem with Julia having an idea and wanting to see it through?”

  “That’s the problem, Amadeus,” Grace replied. “As long as it’s merely an idea and she lets others see it through, fine. She’s up to something. Trust me.”

  He shook his head as he began to dig in. Elizabeth started whining, wanting whatever her daddy had. He finally relented and gave her a piece of banana. He looked across at both Grace and me shaking our heads in disbelief. “What? It’s fruit, it’s soft, and she likes it. She’ll be fine.”

  “Elizabeth can stay here while you go to this meeting of Julia’s.” Grace offered.

  “Thanks, Grace, but I think I want to take her. She needs to meet her uncles and aunt. She needs to get socialized.”